
Hazardous Materials

In this menu option you can define hazardous materials which can be used when creating
consignments. You can select the created hazardous material in the screen ‘create a new

Steps to follow:

  1. Login to Cario
  2. Click on ‘Maintenance – Hazardous Materials’ on the left-hand side
  3. To add a ‘Hazardous Material’ click on the red plus-sign on the right-hand side
    A separate screen will be open
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  4. Enter the following fields
    1. Un code or name = the four-digit number that identify dangerous goods
    2. Trade Name = trade name of the product
    3. Aggregated Quantity = the total of the number of kilograms of solid dangerous goods or the number of litres/kilograms of liquid dangerous goods or the total capacity in litres of receptacle containing
    4. Agg Qty Units = choose between kg or litre
    5. Receptacle (container) are containment vessels for receiving and holding substances or articles, including any means of closing
      Note: Class, Division, Subsidiary Hazard, Packing group are automatically entered
  5. Click [OK]

Your dangerous goods code is saved as a template.

To modify hazardous materials, click the pencil-sign on the on the right-hand side.

To delete hazardous materials, click the trashcan on the on the right-hand side.