Extended Address

This option includes:

  1. Extended address
  2. What3words

Some addresses are not easy to find or there are specific requirements that include more
information than can be printed on Labels.

Extended addresses

If Extended address information is entered on this screen or if the what3words address is entered, an additional label will be printed for each item in the consignment.

Note: The additional label is only printed if you use the extended address or what3words function. These additional labels identify the consignment they relate to and will include the standard address already entered plus the additional Extended address information and the what3words address if it has been entered.

This additional label should be placed on each carton next to the shipping labels. The Delivery driver will be able to read this additional information to assist with locating the delivery location. The Driver can scan the QR code on the additional label to get to a map showing the location of if using the what3words app can scan the 3-word address within the app to get a map of the location.


The what3words address can also be used with the what3words app (Android or iPhone, app can be found in the appropriate app store. Search for what3words) or www.what3words.com to get navigation to the precise location for the delivery.

The driver only needs to enter the 3 words provided into the app.

The what3words address is noted with 3 slashes in front of the 3 words separated by dots.

For example: ///privy.garage.peering is the location Freight People Office in Dandenong South.

Providing an extended address or using the what3words address will help to avoid failed deliveries or delays in locating the delivery location and will also help avoid associated futile or redelivery fees.

Note: Carriers do not currently have provision within their systems for these extended or the What3Words addresses.

This will change over time and as carriers adapt to accommodate them, we will update the data we send to Carriers.

The Delivery instructions and Special Instructions fields must be completed as normal.

How it works?

Extended Addresses and what3words can be selecting the tick box on the top right of the Delivery address screen.

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When the Extended Address tick box is selected, the address entry window will be expanded to allow the Extended address and or the what3words address to be entered.

The Extended address up to 200 characters can be entered. When entering the additional address information use the ‘Enter’ key to create multiple lines.

The what3words address can be manually entered or if you don’t know your what3words address you can use the lookup process to find the address. This process will try to position you on the map based on the standard address that has been entered on the left of the screen.

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Follow the instructions in the box on the right bottom corner.

Click on the magnifying glass (find)

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A separate window will appear.

Once you find the address, use copy on this screen

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Go back to Cario delivery screen and use paste

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Accept the address by selecting [ok]

When Shipping Labels are created and you used the Extended address or what3words option, an additional label will be printed for each item.

Place the 2 labels next to each other on the freight so that the additional label is obvious for the Delivery Driver.

This example is for a Border Express - Parcel consignment

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Note: The consignment label is different for each carrier.

There is also an option to import bulk addresses.

Steps to follow:

  1. Login to Cario
  2. Click on ‘Maintenance – Addresses’ on the left-hand side
  3. To obtain the template, click on the 'Export to CSV' button to the right of the screen:
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  4. Open the CSV file to enter all the address information
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    Explanation of the fields:
    • Code: unique code per address (optional)
    • CostCentre: standard cost centre for this address (optional)
    • Name: company name, max 30 characters, no special characters (mandatory)
    • AddressLine1: Address line 1 of the company, max 30 characters, no special characters (mandatory)
    • AddresLine2: Address line 2 of the company, max 30 characters, no special characters (optional)
    • Locality: suburb (mandatory)
    • State: State (mandatory)
    • Postcode: Postcode (mandatory)
    • Country: Australia (Cario only supports national freight)
    • Contact: contact name, max 30 characters (mandatory)
    • Phone: Telephone number, numeric and only the characters – ) allowed (optional)
    • Mobile: Mobile number, numeric and only the characters – ) allowed (optional)
    • Fax: Fax number, numeric and only the characters – ) allowed (optional)
    • Email: email address, only 1 allowed (optional)
    • IsPostal: FALSE or TRUE - is the address a postal address (mandatory)
    • IsResidential: FALSE or TRUE - is the address a residential address (mandatory)
    • IsMineSite: FALSE or TRUE - is the address a minesite address (mandatory)
    • AllowATL: FALSE or TRUE - Authority to Leave option (mandatory)
    • Notes: pickup/delivery instructions, max 100 characters, no special characters (optional)
    • ThirdPartyCarrierCode: blank, discuss this option at a later stage
    • ThirdPartyCarrierServiceCode: blank, discuss this option at a later stage
    • ThirdPartyCarrierChargeAccount: blank, discuss this option at a later stage
    • WhatThreeWords: blank, discuss this option at a later stage
    Note: You will need to ensure that the locations are validated (Locality, State, Postcode) and that the max field lengths are not exceeded.
  5. Save as CSV file
  6. Click on the 'Import File' button to the right of the screen:
    A picture containing graphical user interface  Description automatically generated
  7. Select the correct file – select [open]
  8. If all existing addresses needs to be deleted, select the tick box ‘Delete Existing Addresses’
  9. In tab ‘Uploaded Files’ you can monitor the import